Join us

The PlantDEvo lab aims to be a welcoming and supportive community of researchers, committed to training and mentoring the future generations of plant scientists.

If you are fascinated by the diversity of plant forms and interested in exploring the developmental and evolutionary mechanisms that underpin it, consider joining us!

Current Opportunities

Open positions are usually advertised on the University of Bristol website: UoB vacancies


Graduate opportunities

Potential students should have plenty of enthusiasm for the mysteries of plant shape diversity and a background in biology with a focus on development, evolution or plant biology.

Competitively funded PhD positions are advertised annually through the SWBiosciences Doctoral Training Partnership between October and December.

We also welcome applications from students who have or are looking to apply for their own funding. Email Beatriz ( your CV and a short statement of your research interests and career goals to discuss these opportunities.

Funding opportunities may be available through the following schemes:

Postdoc opportunities

Outside of funded positions occasionally advertised above, we welcome spontaneous applications from early career researchers interested in applying for postdoctoral fellowships. Provided your research idea fits the general research interests of the lab, we would be happy to mentor you through your applications.

Email Beatriz ( to discuss this, including your CV and a brief description of your research interests and career development plans.

Some sources of funding which you may consider to support your research can be found below: